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LED Headlight

As the newest headlights on the market, LED headlights are more efficient and advanced than both halogen and HID lights. LEDs (or light-emitting diodes) don’t use gas or filaments to produce light—instead, they rely on small diodes that light up when an electric current runs through them. They emit light in a color temperature of your choosing and do not produce a significant amount of heat when they light up. However, the diodes themselves do give off some heat at their bases, meaning cars with LED headlights must provide a way to keep the LEDs cool. Like xenon headlights, they also require an additional component to operate, a driver. Because LED headlights are harder to design and implement in cars, they are more expensive than other headlights, though they do provide more focused rays and can be configured in unique shapes. Full LED headlights are pretty rare, typically only used in newer or high-end cars, while the majority of LED headlights and retrofit kits are actually daytime running lights, or a ring surrounding a xenon or halogen headlight.


Small diodes can be manipulated in various shapes
Use a very low amount of energy
Lights come in a variety of color temperatures

High temperature around adjacent parts
Full LED headlights are rare; typically only daytime running lights available
Difficult to implement in cars
LED headlights are ideal in most ways due to their low power consumption, low-maintenance, and non-blinding white light, but they are still the most expensive option and are not made to operate in every kind of car. HID headlights provide a desirable brighter light than halogens, but they can also cause a distracting glare for other drivers. And though halogen lights emit an unappealing yellow light, they are easy to replace and are the least expensive. All in all, there will be costs and benefits to any type of headlight—so it is always best to consider your options carefully and choose wisely!
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